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How do I enquire about lost property or luggage?

Lost property:

If you are unfortunate enough to discover that you've lost an item of personal property during your cruise, you may be able to trace it by contacting our Guest Relations Department on 01473 746 177, or by e-mail at guest.relations@fredolsen.co.uk

If clothing items are discovered on board after your cruise, they will be kept on board for a week after the cruise return date. If the item is claimed within this time, it will be sent to our office in Ipswich to be returned at cost as below. Clothes and other non-valuable items will be disposed of after this time and will not be returned to the office. Valuable non clothing items will be returned to the office and will remain there for oee month while we wait to be claimed. If unclaimed, we reserve the right to donate these items to approved charities.

Please note: for reasons of hygiene and storage capacity, we can only process items of intrinsic value. A nominal figure of £30 is charged to return most items, subject to value and size.

Lost Baggage:

If you return home and discover that you've not collected all your luggage following disembarkation, please contact our Guest Relations team on 01473 746 177 or e-mail  guest.relations@fredolsen.co.uk

Please note: it is the responsibility of the property owner to cover the cost of carriage. Should you have taken another guest’s luggage in error, you will also be responsible for the cost of carriage involved in returning it to the rightful owner. Please check carefully that you have collected the correct luggage, before leaving the luggage reclaim area and continuing your journey home.

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