Can I transfer my booking to someone else?

Name change

If you would like to request a name change on a booking, we can process this for you up to 35 days prior to your cruise departing with a £100 amendment fee per name change.

Should there be multiple changes of guests on a booking, where none of the original booking party are on the booking, this can be accepted, and will incur the same charges as above.

Cruise change

If you need to change your cruise to another sailing, this can be done (only once) and needs to be actioned at least 90 days prior to departure (the date your balance is due). The value of the new cruise must be at least 75% of the original booking value, and will also incur a £100 per person non-refundable amendment fee.

For cruises that are longer than 28 days, a transfer can only be allowed once, as long as you are 181 days or more from travelling. On longer cruises, an interim deposit is required at 180 days prior to departure and from then on the loss of non-refundable deposit is 30%. Once paid you would not be able to transfer to another cruise/person.

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