How do I get a refund for an item bought in the on board shop?

Items in our on board shops are provided by Harding Retail, who take great care to ensure your purchase is absolutely perfect. However, occasionally an item bought from Hardings can develop a manufacturing defect after your cruise. All faulty products with a manufacturers warranty should be returned directly to the manufacturer. Any items without a warranty and returned to Hardings with proof of purchase will be repaired, exchanged or if these options fail, a full refund made within one year of purchase. We only ask that you contact the Customer Services team, within the first year of purchase, for verification before you return items to Hardings.

The UK Customer Services address, to which any returned items should be sent, is:
Customer Services Department, Harding Retail, Avonmouth Way, Avonmouth, Bristol, BS11 8DD, United Kingdom
We would advise that any valuable items are sent to Hardings using recorded delivery as they are unable to accept responsibility of items lost during return. The sender is responsible for all postage charges.

The UK based Customer Services team can be contacted via e-mail or telephone at: or by calling 0117 982 5961

For US/Canadian/South American resident customers please call #1-855-380-0836 or email: to contact the worldwide aftersales team who will be able to assist with any return requirements.

For all Australasian resident customers please call #61 (0) 2 9011 8099 or email: to contact the Australian based team who will be able to assist with any return requirements.

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